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Cups - Clear Bio Cups & Lids

Made from Ingeo™, a plant-based plastic. Products made from this material are perfectly clear and sturdy, performing excellently when serving cold food and drinks – smoothies, juices, fruit salads and museli etc.

The carbon footprint of producing Ingeoâ„¢ bioplastic is up to 75% smaller than conventional plastics such as PET.

These cups are the ONLY clear bioplastic cups certified commercially compostable to Australian AS 4736 standards.

  • Bioplastics must be stored out of direct sun and below 35°C. If stored correctly they have an indefinite shelf life.

  • Bioplastic does not have suitable oxygen barrier properties to store food for more than a few days

  • Our bioplastic cups and lids have a 12 month shelf life from date of purchase.


150ml - Qty 100 (17BC150)

200ml - Qty 100 (17BC200)

280ml - Qty 50 (17BC280)

300ml - Qty 50 (17BC300)

360ml - Qty 50 (17BC360)

420ml - Qty 50 (17BC420)

500ml - Qty 50 (17BC500)

Tumbler 250ml - Qty 50 (17BCT250)

Tumbler 360ml - Qty 50 (17BCT360)

Tumbler 500ml - Qty 50 (17BCT500)

Lids available to suit in Dome, Flat and Slotted

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